• Question: How important do you think your job is

    Asked by 446mutg25 to Thomas, Sinead, Sebastian, Monica, Emma on 11 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sinead Loughran

      Sinead Loughran answered on 11 Nov 2016:

      In my job, I teach and train the scientists of tomorrow, we need them to solve the problems of the future, to invent, to test, to discover, to cure, to produce and to create.
      We need them to find ways to overcome the big challenges including climate change, cancer, obesity, food poverty and energy security.

    • Photo: Emma Roycroft

      Emma Roycroft answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      I think it’s quite important. Without the lab results, doctors can only guess what is wrong with the patient.

    • Photo: Sebastian Gornik

      Sebastian Gornik answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      My job is important because scientists generate knowledge and build stuff everyone can benefit from.
