• Question: What are your thoughts on the great barrier reef being pronounced dead?

    Asked by 553mutg26 to Emma, Monica, Sebastian, Sinead, Thomas on 13 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sinead Loughran

      Sinead Loughran answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      This was a great question because it made me do some research to learn more.

      As the largest living structure on the planet, the Great Barrier Reef is incredibly rich and diverse. It also takes up a huge area bigger than the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Holland combined.

      There are a number of threats to the Great Barrier Reef including; climate change; poor water quality from land-based run-off; impacts from coastal development and illegal fishing.

      You can read about theses threats and their impact at this Australian Government website;

      I think we need to do what we can in our lifetime to limit the threats of climate change, not just on the Great Barrier Reef but on the entire planet or we are risking our own survival.

    • Photo: Sebastian Gornik

      Sebastian Gornik answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      I think that this was a overreaction by the media to a blog entry by a scientist who wanted to scare people and get them to think about the environment more. So, I dont think the GBR is dead yet, but it is for sure in dire straits and need our help, if we want to preserve it for future generations.

    • Photo: Emma Roycroft

      Emma Roycroft answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      Yeah, it is not completely dead yet, but it is an indicator of the climate change that is occurring on our planet, and it is devastating to see its destruction. It is not just the GBR, but other reefs around the world too. I was lucky enough to dive in coral bay in western australia to one of the most amazing reefs. The colours were unbelievable. We have to keep at our politicians to do something about climate change to maintain our beautiful environment while we still can. Great question.
